Chrome Light Switch Covers

  1. Polished Nickel Double 2 Toggle Switch Plate Covers

    Polished Nickel

    22 Configurations Available
    Shipping 3-4 days
    Polished Nickel
  2. Polished Diamond Plate Tread Double 2 Toggle Switch Plate Covers

    Polished Diamond Plate Tread

    10 Configurations Available
    Shipping 3-4 days
    Polished Diamond Plate Tread
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The largest selection of Chrome Light Switch Covers found anywhere...period. The sleek gleam of chrome is just the right thing for a modern kitchen or a room filled with technical gadgets. Glimmering with unique patterns and a shine like no other color, the designs in this collection are suited to go alongside stainless steel or even in the garage by the power tools. While not for the faint of heart, these switch plates have a certain allure that only the choicest and most modern accessories do.